A good business idea is finding a solution for an (everyday) problem and monetize it. But what does an industry do when there’s actually a lack of problems but it still wants to rake in billions? Well, easy. You make up a problem and make up a solution. That’s what the drug industry for psychiatric disorders seems to be doing. Seems… I would say is doing.
Every heard of the disease Bipolar disorder?
Bipolar disorder is a condition in which a person has periods of depression and periods of being extremely happy or being cross or irritable.
Based on this definition, who doesn’t have a bipolar disorder? It’s called human emotions in my opinion and it’s part of life, no cure required in the form of chemicals.
If I would have been born 20 years later, I bet you I would have been diagnosed ADHD and would have been put on medication. But I’m not ill and I’m pretty sure I wasn’t ill, just a tad more active than the average person.
So the pharmaceutical industry is making drugs to cure diseases that actually don’t exist. Huh? Well, so far there’s absolutely no scientific proof that any mental disorder is actually a disease. Sure, experts on the payroll of the pharmaceutical industry talk about “imbalances in the brain” but bottom line, that’s speculation. The cures they fabricate are raking in billions but seem to do more harm than good. Just to be clear, I’m not saying all medicines for mental disorders are fake. But, you gotta wonder, where did all these “disorders” all of a sudden come from? And why is it that 50% of the people committing suicide in the US is using a drug for a mental disorder?
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