“I don’t care if you’re a billionaire. If you haven’t started a company, really gambled your resume and your money and maybe even your marriage to just go crazy and …
2010 was the year that the big venture capitalist finally discovered Indonesia which now has become the land of unlimited opportunities. Some investme ...
Reporting live for you from Senayan Plaza Jakarta where 3 Sangatpedas reporters are witnessing a historical moment while standing in line for the mira ...
Well, the week is almost done so shutdown your hip airbooks, take off your glasses and let your hair down. After FRANK (FRiday Afternoon driNK) the weekend starts and this ...
Big party this week at Necker island, Sr. Richard Branson arranged the girls Steve Jobs was popping the champage while Madonna shouted “WE WON, WE WON”. Even Prince (a.k.a The ...
Meet Ariel (a.k.a. Chazzuka), a well respected and renowned developer and highly valued colleague at Tokobagus. This guy eats 800 pages complex developments books for breakfast, his online presence is larger than ...
Maybe I’ve watched to many Hollywood movies but I always thought that after serving time in jail brilliant hackers get exciting jobs at the FBI, CIA or some big multinational. ...
Anyone without a good spam filter must have noticed it, the flood of emails offering cheap Viagra from Canadian Pharmacy came to an abrupt halt on september 27th. For yet ...
This post gives you 10 tips on how to successfully sell on Tokobagus, or any other classified site for that matter. Follow these tips and post your experience in the comments here and help me improve this post.
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