Sangat Pedas

[BREAKING NEWS] Samsung Galaxy Tab to save the world???!!!


Launch at Senayan plazaReporting live for you from Senayan Plaza Jakarta where 3 Sangatpedas reporters are witnessing a historical moment while standing in line for the miracle device from Samsung that’s gonna save the world, right? no? must be ya??? People standing in line for already 3 hours, the police distributes food and water, the Red Cross is on the way on this historical day for Indonesia.

Finally there’s a device with you will not only make a cool, hip and sophisticated statement but you can actually make phone calls, send text messages and emails, chat with your friends, update your status on your social media, browse the Internet, make documents, play games and IT FITS IN YOUR POCKET!! (provided your pocket is big enough) OMG, our Korean friends from Samsung should be put up for a Nobel prize, why didn’t someone else come up with this before…….
Wait a second….

Anyways, happy saturday to the people in Senayan Plaza and special thanks to our reporters who must be going through hell to get this ingenius device!