Sangat Pedas

Where science meets art


This would be a nice picture for the category “But what is it?”, but we spare you the frustration. This is the winning picture of the Olympus BioScapes Digital Imaging Competition® which recognizes outstanding images of life science specimens captured through light microscopes, using any magnification, any illumination technique and any brand of equipment.

Basically this is a competition for another kind of geeks, the ones really handy with microscopes, light and photoshop and a special interest for the extreme small specimens on this earth. You’re looking at a frontal section of Phalangium opilio (commonly known as Harvestman or Daddy longlegs) eyes, an ordinary animal you probably wouldn’t pay much attention to. As a geek freak I’m now wondering if I should buy a microscope, I mean how cool is this?!

Anyway, it just reminds me there’s beauty all around us everyday but most of the time we (at least I) fail to notice it. Check the other amazing pica’s here.

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