Sangat Pedas

The making of the Tokobagus TV commercials

A big shout out to Melvin, Acong, Lisa, Suryani, Kevin and all the rest of the crew that made it happen for us. Because to their creativity and professionalism the Tokobagus TV commercials are a big success and while making it we had a great time. Thanks guys!

7Mar/111’s TV commercials go live!

One of the reasons I've hardly had time to blog lately was the fact that Tokobagus has been growing like crazy and I had to concentrate on our TV campaign and the production of our TV commercials. The decision to do a nationwide TV campaign wasn't an easy one because we've always believed (and still) strongly in the fact that a website is best promoted online. But considering our pretty strong and aggressive online campaigns and the enormous growth of the last year we've decided is ready for a nation wide TV campaign.

Yep, it's time to bring Tokobagus to the next level with besides our TV & Radio campaign also a new logo and a new pay-off: "Tokobagus, Jual Beli Bagus!", as our commercials it's simple, clear and hopefully effective. I plan to do a post on "the making of" the TV commercials later which should be quite interesting but for now I'll leave you with the end result of our efforts and hope you like it.


Collectors and online trade

I'm not a collector, well I try to collect money but so far I really suck at that. But there's a huge worldwide community of collectors that collect just about anything you can and can't imagine. When running a local classified website you need to pay attention to this collectors community which is extremely trade intensive. Actually, it's the collectibles that made eBay and the online auction model big and eBay on its turn had a significant economic effect for collectibles by setting true market prices through simple but optimal laws of supply and demand .


The greatest miracle of life…

While I'm diligently working on a radical overhaul of this blog, thinking I got nothing to write about anyway, I suddenly got a surprise. Our favorite Tokobagus car freak, mr. Beamer and automotive channel manager witnessed the birth of his son! As far as we know both mother and son are in excellent health. So this is probably the time where all our female readers are focussed on the picture (he actually looks like his father) and say things that men not really understand like "Aaaaaaaahhhhhh, he's so cute" and "Couchie Chouchie Chouchie".

In the meantime I can tell you that his name is still, as Andri said, "work in progress" but number 1 on the list is "Mochammad BAGUS Artomoro" which is of course a great honor for everyone working at TokoBAGUS. Of course it could be his wife has other ideas about that, so let's give them a hand and drop some nice middle names in the comments.

On behalf of SangatPedas and everyone at Tokobagus we congratulate Andri and his wife and wish everyone a long, happy and healthy live.

Filed under: Tokobagus 5 Comments

New weapon in developers recruitment: TECHIE GIRLS!

Besides an astronomic salary, health insurance, THR, many holidays and a great location we at Tokobagus unintendedly found a new way to attract talents and keep our current developers.

Techie girls!

I mean what's more cool than a techie girl that can join conversations about Ruby on Rails, PHP frameworks and hot geek stuff? Well, I tell you, ATTRACTIVE TECHIE GIRLS like our Chi, I mean that's super-duper-uber-mega-catwoman-cool. Can we get a HELL YEAH!!?? Can we get an AMEN!!!??? Of course all our male developers full hearted agree with that. First question our developers ask our competitors when they try to recruit one of our talents is no longer about the salary or benefits but about the female co-workers, EAT THAT COMPETITORS!

Anyway, every system has it's flaws as you can see in the striking cartoon made by Eka, one of our talented designers, which show that having techie-girls in the office doesn't always have a positive effect on productivity. But +100 for Chi's solution: BIG UP YOURSELF! RESPECT! AAAAIII. But in Marlon's defense, Catwoman for god sake, Halle Berry, can someone give a nicer compliment than that?

Anyway, talented developers of the world, you can send your CV to jobs-at-tokobagus-dot-com, equal chances for everyone but we prefer you being female between the age of 20 and 30. Don't forget to add a recent photograph to your application, makes the pre-selection a lot more fun for our HR guy.


Greetings from Bali

This weekend the first group from Tokobagus moved to Jakarta to start working from our new office there. And judging from their first reactions on twitter ("depressed", "Sad", "Angry") live isn't all that bad in Jakarta. As a sign of support and sympathy some of the colleagues still on Bali are waving to our heroes in Jakarta! And yeah, some faces show some signs of malicious pleasure (Abe's smile seems just a slightly too big) but their fate is already sealed and the same. So we salut Jakarta. WE MISS YOU GUYS AN WILL JOIN YOU SOON! (but not too soon....)


We love Jakarta!

As some of you might know, at the moment Tokobagus is housed on Bali, also called paradise island. Anyways, someone on the other side of the world came up with the brilliant idea that it would be better for the business to move to Jakarta. Though that seems to make sense, the general feeling here is that this move is not considered as an upgrade. So what do you do as management? You start a charme offensive! I mean it won't be for nothing that 16mln people chose to live in Jakarta, if Bali is really all that good there would be 16mln people living on Bali. Right? So in this new category we're going to educate our co-workers on what Jakarta has to offer and why Jakarta beats Bali.

This weeks reason beats Bali on their on turf: water sports facilities and flexible public transportation.

Any ideas from real Jakartians can be dumped in the comments!

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