31st of December? Check! Fireworks? Check! Absolut? Check! Baileys for the women? Check! Food? Check! Time for the last post of the year before the party starts!
This will probably be my last New Year on Bali for a while an I have to say goodbye to some dear friends here on Paradise Island but I will be reunited with the Tokobagus crew so to every disadvantage there’s always an advantage. For me 2011 will be the year in which Tokobagus and Indonesia in general will rock the Internet world in the most positive way possible. But hopefully it will also be a year without duckfaces and death hoaxes, vulcano eruptions, censorship, awkward encounters with celebrities, content theft or subliminal advertising.
No, what we need in 2011 is health, love, peace and understanding, but above all: LUCK, severely underrated in life and business. Once people have become successful in business they tend to think that they have some god-given special gift that made them successful but the fact is that besides skills luck has a significant role in the road to success. Yeah people, we need some luck in 2011 and lots of it, not only in business but also in everyday life like the people in the video below who owe their health or life to sheer and utter luck.
By the way, it might well be that all of a sudden I stop blogging and disappear from the face of the earth and no where to be seen or found. In that case don’t worry, it just means I have been lucky enough to win € 27,5mln in the lottery and I’m enjoying my Cuba Libre on the Maldives, but I’ll send you guys a postcard.
UPDATE: I won…. € 10,- so it’s back to work and keep blogging for me.