Sangat Pedas

Tokobagus Infographic - June 2011


Tokobagus Infographic june 2011

The numbers related for the transactions are for the month of april 2011 and don’t included results prior to this period.

Also, “Analist” noted in the comments there’s a mistake in the numbers compared to the graph, the age group 18-29 is actually 49.6% instead of 4.5% which was obviously a copy paste.

Clearing up another confusion, in this infographic we used the Indonesian numeric notation in which a “.” is a thousand separator and “,” is the decimal sign. So the transaction value for instance is Rp. 1,465 trillion which equals Rp.1.454 billion

Twitter: @tokobagus
Facebook: tokobagus

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  • butik pria

    Selamat ya and sukses selalu.

    Saya adalah salah satu pengguna

    • remco

      Terima Kasih mas dan semoga sukses!

  • btmponsel

    selamat untuk tokobagus,smoga smakin sukses dan jaya

  • venno septy adhitama

    bagus….teruskan peningkatannya!!!!!

  • analist

    4.5% is between 18-29? But the bar is longer then the rest? Strange statistics

    • remco

      Aha, someone who pays attention Well, I can say the bar is right and the number is wrong, it should have been 49.6% instead of the “copy-pasted” 4.5%. I will make sure to correct it.

  • Steven

    Very impressive!
    Been following Tokobagus’ performance recently!
    And would love the opportunity to have a chat with you

    How about we have a coffee break some time next week if your time permits?
    i am serious