Sangat Pedas

Twitterview: Shinta Dhanuwardoyo


Allow me to introduce a woman that hardly needs an introduction, Shinta Witoyo Dhanuwardoyo: digital power woman, techno entrepreneur, one of the first Internet pioneers in Indonesia and the hardest working women in the Indonesian Internet community. Shinta Dhanuwardoyo was born in Indonesia in 1970 and spend 7 years of her life studying Architecture and Interior, International Business and Corporate Leadership and Innovation in respectively Eugene, Portland (both in Oregon, USA) and in Adelaide Australia.

After her return to her homeland Indonesia Shinta became an extremely busy, passionate and successful entrepreneur. In 1996 Shinta founded which is now Indonesia’s leading Digital media Agency specializing in both online and mobile media. Shinta is also the instigator behind the Bubu awards, Indonesia’s most prestigious web award, as well as Pesta Blogger, Indonesia’s first and only national Blogger’s event. If that isn’t enough Shinta also founded and managed Mojopia/ (now a Telkom Indonesia company) but recently resigned after more than two years.

Definitely time to find out more about this intriguing and strong woman with a deep love and passion for Batik. So we’ve decided to subject Shinta to a twitterview (question and answer max 140 characters) SangatPedas style, raw and uncut.

Q: What was the main reason for you to resign from Mojopia/
A: Pursuing my next move in the ever-dynamic digital industry. :)

Q: In 14 years Bubu has become the leading Web development company with an impressive portfolio, what’s next for Bubu?
A: Actually, since 2006 Bubu has transformed into a Digital agency. Obviously, being the very best there is is always our next.

Q: What are your personal plans for the near future?
A: Creating the next big thing… ;)

Q: What has changed most in the last 5 years in the Indonesian Internet ecosystem?
A: The users! And I’m not talking only about numbers, but also how our netizens adopt digital lifestyle and even acquire digital fluency.

Q: What do you think is the most promising and/or extra-ordinary start-up in Indonesia at the moment and why?
A: I’ve set my eyes on some promising ones. :) But I’ve yet to see one with solid & sustainable business model. We need to work on that first.

Q: What advice would you give Internet start-up entrepreneurs?
A: Find ur passion & innovate to discover ur ultimate MOJO. Think not only out of d box but beyond d wall. Learn all about d business know-how! (editor: great Twitter shortening technique!)

Q: Which is your favorite working environment: start-up or corporate?
A: Start up whose people are disciplining themselves in pursuing their goal… or corporate with passionate, entrepreneurial spirit.

Q: (How) do you manage to balance between your work and your private life?
A: Setting priorities is the key. ‘Begin with the end in mind’ to know what are important for you. (quote is coutersy of my good friend)

Q: Who are the most important persons in your live?
A: My family but my daughters are the reason for me to always try to be a better person… and to try to make the world a better place.

Q: Where does your passion for Batik come from?
A: It comes from heart. It’s a calling for me. It doesn’t matter where your passion comes from, what matters is where it will lead you to. :)

Q: What do you think about the controversy regarding the origin of Batik (Indonesia - Malaysia)?
A: There’s no controversy. UNESCO has recognized Batik as ours. Let’s now focus on preserving & enriching the Batik art & tradition.

Q: Batik or shoes?
A: First, love your Batik. Then love your Batik. Then, still your Batik. And after that, then love your shoes. :)

Q: Really, are you sure?
A: Cut my heart open, you’ll find it engraved in Batik patterns.

Q: What’s the one thing you still want to do or realize in life?
A: I have many! But if it’s only one then it’s making sure my daughters will be ready to pursue their passion and happiness in life.

Q: What can we find in your refrigerator right now?
A: Isotonic drinks that serve as a reminder for me to exercise regularly. Which I don’t and I need to!

Q: What is it you enjoy most in life?
A: Pursuing my passion and surrounded by people who are also passionate. Then being able to share the outputs for others.

Q: What’s the last book you’ve read?
A: Richard Templar’s “The Rules of Work” given to me by a dearest friend, Obin, the famous Indonesian cloth/batik maker.

Q: What things can make you really upset?
A: Everything that makes other people upset too. I’m just human. But I never got upset for too long. A bite of chocolate usually works.

Q: What’s the most precious moment in your life so far?
A: The past is always something I cherish and never regret. But if you ask me about my most precious moment, the answer is always… now.

Q: What’s your favorite holiday destination and why?
A: Not one in particular.  Seriously, Indonesia has so many perfect holiday escape spots. I’d love to explore them all.

Q: What’s your most weird habit?
A: Listening to Linkin Park as a stress reliever

Q: How would you rate this twitterview?
A: It definitely falls in the category of “Must Retweet”. :)