Archive for January, 2011

January 20, 2011, No comments

Everyday millions of people anguish themselves thinking on how to get rich quick and most of the time they keep thinking for the rest of their life. Some people we …

Point proven, no more Twitter auto feeds

January 8, 2011, No comments

Recently I wrote a post claiming that according to the statistics hyper activity on Twitter gets you much more followers and I announced a field exper ...

Pitfalls of a startup entrepreneur and a great speech

January 8, 2011, No comments

The question I’ve asked myself for years, and I assume many entrepreneurs ask themselves that question, is “am I doing it right?”. A ...

Bubble is coming, bubble 2.0 is coming!

January 3, 2011, No comments

Got your slick powerpoint presentation ready? Did you give your business plan an extra boost? Already have a few visitors on your start-up in stealth ...

  • Bali Night Live: Club Bacio
    January 1, 2011, 4 Comments

    In my two years living in Bali I guess I’ve pretty much got to know most aspects of the vibrant night live on paradise island and one of my favorite ...

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