Sangat Pedas

Whatsapp: the must have mobile messenger application!

Personally I think I'm a pretty tech savvy guy, I run a successful Internet company, use iPhone and MacBook and I manage to have actual conversations with the geeks in our office without them shaking their heads. Besides that I run a blog and did a lot of the "development" myself (ok, installing plugins isn't rocket science but I did a lot of the CSS myself) and I test just about every website that comes along in the Indonesian startup scene.

However, today I had an SMS conversation with Selina (the only CEO that manages to get me to stutter ) and in one message she said "Whatsapp?". So first I thought she was merely asking "wassup?" in Indo-english but I guess she quickly noticed my ignorance and explained about Whatsapp, thanks for that Selina!


Odyssey Dawn: the shit is on in Libya

The unrest and turmoil seems to continue in the Arab world. Saturday France, Great Britain and the United stated  bombed targets in the capitol Tripoli and the cities Misurata and Benghazi. This after information became available that suggested that Libyan leader Muammar Kaddafi the bring down the resistance with whatever means necessary.

During the start of this operation called Odyssey Dawn at least 110 Tomahawkmisiles have been fired by the NATO coalition mostly aimed at antiaircraft artillery of Kaddafi's army. For military geeks, on the Guardian you can find an interactive map of the no-fly zone and all the info about Odyssey Dawn.


The Ayam Confusion - Indonesian for beginners

One thing is for sure, Indonesians like their chicken, with rice of course. Chicken is the number one food in Indonesia and the number of variations on chicken in the Indonesian kitchen are staggering.

Ayam Goreng, Ayam Bakar, Ayam Kuning, Ayam Katsu, Ayam Gulai Rebung, Ayam Masak Habang, Ayam Rebus Jamur, Ayam Goreng Tepung, Ayam Saus Bawang, Ayam Masak Bawang, Ayam Goreng Mentega, Ayam Kuluyuk, Ayam Bumbu Hijau, Ayam Kalio Padang, Ayam Besengek, Ayam Drumstick Pedas, Ayam Areh, Ayam Bumbu Poyah, Ayam Ungkep Wijen, Ayam Sumpu, Tum Ayam. Well, I really could go on for hours but you get my drift.


Thinking outside the box

Let's first address the featured image linked to this post because I can already hear women saying that it's sexist and irrelevant for this post. Well, they're absolutely right but that's called "Thinking outside the box", unconventional, different and from a new perspective. In this case the perspective is that my mainly male audience definitely prefers looking at a pretty blond girl instead of a box. Besides that, Sangat Pedas should be a little more Sangat Pedas in my opinion. So gents, here's a link to the wallpaper size image, enjoy!

Anyway, the topic is "Thinking outside the Box" and why we really should stop using those words. 


Narayanan Krishnan: A True Superhero and Inspiration [video]

Often the term "Hero" is defined as a person that on one occasion acted courageous, selflessness, distinguishing him or herself by a brave deed. The soldier that saved his team, a by passer  saving someone from drowning or someone overpowering a robber in a Seven Eleven. Without saying acts like these aren't heroic it's videos like these that show that we often overlook the real heroes, people that selflessness help other people day in day out.

One of those heroes is Narayanan Krishnan who lives by a simple rule that everybody has 5.5 liter of blood meaning everybody is equal and should be treated as such. Narayanan touches the essence of life by asking himself "What is the ultimate purpose of life?", a question I'm sure lots of us think about. But like in business, just thinking about things doesn't make it happen, Narayanan makes it happen, day in day out. Watching this video I was touched and I felt guilty and I'm asking myself what can I do?

Help this superhero through his Facebook page peepz!


[Video] Boat meets Tsunami in Japan

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Alhamdulillah! “Frikandel speciaal” in Jakarta

Jakarta, it's not the most attractive or pleasant city in the world and that might be considered as an understatement. Only the traffic and the smog can drive a man crazy but just when it's getting to me Jakarta gives me something simple that completely brightens up the day. For friday night I was invited by a business relation for celebrating the finish and success of a project. The venue they chose for this was "Eastern promise" in Kemang, which I've never been before. Arriving there was a bit of a shock because it was 5 in the afternoon and the bar gave away free beer for 1 hour so the bar was full of buleh's cos you know buleh's have a nose for free beer.

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