Lucky new year!
31st of December? Check! Fireworks? Check! Absolut? Check! Baileys for the women? Check! Food? Check! Time for the last post of the year before the party starts!
This will probably be my last New Year on Bali for a while an I have to say goodbye to some dear friends here on Paradise Island but I will be reunited with the Tokobagus crew so to every disadvantage there's always an advantage. For me 2011 will be the year in which Tokobagus and Indonesia in general will rock the Internet world in the most positive way possible. But hopefully it will also be a year without duckfaces and death hoaxes, vulcano eruptions, censorship, awkward encounters with celebrities, content theft or subliminal advertising.
Styling blockquotes in WordPress with CSS
I like to blog about what interests me but already for a few weeks I was thinking that what this blog needs are some tutorials. You know, to work in my street-cred among the techie guys and just to help out the community cos that's the kinda guy I am...(kuch).
So here we go, our very first tutorial on how-to style blockquotes in WordPress with css and I'm pretty sure some of our developer's eyes will frown when reading this post and I'm sure to expect some comments on what is wrong about this post. But like a lot of bloggers, I'm a blogger and not a developer and already really happy I managed to get this blog where it is right now.
I like the Lightword WordPress theme and all the fancy widgets but I had to do a lot of repairs and css tweaking to get everything looking the way it does. So one of the the things I didn't like about the theme was the way the blockquotes were designed.
Confessions of a workaholic
From when I was young I've had a strong urge to create, build or rebuild things. I still remember 'working' on a car radio at age 4 and probably having some great outcome in mind even though I didn't know what the hell I was doing.
For me it always has been an over the top all or nothing state of mind. I used to play lead guitar in rock bands and I'm pretty sure I drove my neighbours crazy practicing every minute not being in school. When I started DJ'ing I spend well over 30 hours per week on music next to my regular 40 hour a week job. When I started 'producing' music it became even worse, days that I went to bed at 04:00 AM when having to go to work at 08:00 AM were more rule than exception, even though I was absolutely not hindered by any talent whatsoever.
Twitterview: Shinta Dhanuwardoyo
Allow me to introduce a woman that hardly needs an introduction, Shinta Witoyo Dhanuwardoyo: digital power woman, techno entrepreneur, one of the first Internet pioneers in Indonesia and the hardest working women in the Indonesian Internet community. Shinta Dhanuwardoyo was born in Indonesia in 1970 and spend 7 years of her life studying Architecture and Interior, International Business and Corporate Leadership and Innovation in respectively Eugene, Portland (both in Oregon, USA) and in Adelaide Australia.
After her return to her homeland Indonesia Shinta became an extremely busy, passionate and successful entrepreneur. In 1996 Shinta founded which is now Indonesia's leading Digital media Agency specializing in both online and mobile media. Shinta is also the instigator behind the Bubu awards, Indonesia's most prestigious web award, as well as Pesta Blogger, Indonesia's first and only national Blogger's event. If that isn't enough Shinta also founded and managed Mojopia/ (now a Telkom Indonesia company) but recently resigned after more than two years.
Definitely time to find out more about this intriguing and strong woman with a deep love and passion for Batik. So we've decided to subject Shinta to a twitterview (question and answer max 140 characters) SangatPedas style, raw and uncut.
Some domain names that definitely NEED a hyphen!
Domain names, we all want the best, preferably with hot keywords in it, as short as possible and without hyphens. Most webmasters don't like hyphens because visitors tend to forget them in the url and it's hard to read a domain name out loud when there's a hyphen included. But some domain names definitely need a hyphen, just to make parsing easier for both human and search engine. Check these sites and remember them the next time you register a domain name!
Merry Christmas!
Time for a few days without blogging but with snow fun, presents, family and food. So Sangat Pedas wishes everybody a merry Christmas!